rrobinett / wsprdaemon

A Debian/Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service
25 stars 10 forks source link

V2.8 #11

Closed rrobinett closed 4 years ago

rrobinett commented 4 years ago

Upload graphics files using a curl FTP transfer rather than 'scp ...'. Improves security of wsprdaemon.org server.

Don't allow it to run as user 'root'

Put MERGE decision log for each rx/band in truncated 'merge.log' files

G3ZIL added python script to upload noise data to a Timescale DB running on the Droplet that's hosting wsprdaemon.org

Add optional SIGNAL_LEVEL_FTP_RATE_LIMIT_BPS which can be declared in .conf. It is in bits per second.

Add optional NOISEGRAPHS* parameters which change noise graph sizes