rroller / dahua

Dahua Camera and Doorbell Home Assistant Integration
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AD410 not reporting button doorbell button presses #250

Open pbix opened 1 year ago

pbix commented 1 year ago

I am not getting any doorbell presses from my AD410. I saw there seems to be a related issues https://github.com/rroller/dahua/issues/119 which was closed a year ago.

In my case it was working and I suspect it stopped working when I updated to 0.9.43. I tried 0.9.44 as well but no love. I unfortunately do not remember what version I was using before that was working. HA Core version is 2022.12.8.

I am getting a video stream from the device and that seems to be working OK.

I cannot see any errors in the logfile that look problematic. I see these which look OK to me. 2022-12-25 10:04:32.965 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Get access control configuration 2022-12-25 10:04:32.978 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Get version 2022-12-25 10:04:32.993 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Get serial number 2022-12-25 10:04:32.994 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Get device type 2022-12-25 10:04:32.994 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Attach event manager 2022-12-25 10:04:33.068 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Serial Number: Z17B99015E1B9 2022-12-25 10:04:33.092 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Device Type: AD410 2022-12-25 10:04:33.092 INFO (Thread-3) [custom_components.dahua] Version: 1.000.0000000.7.R, Build Date: 2021-06-10

Can anyone confirm for me that they do have AD410 door bell presses using 0.9.44 of this integration?

magic7s commented 1 year ago

This is working for me. Smart Alerts is not working (Human, etc) but button press is working great.

eastvan commented 1 year ago

Same issue for me. I am not getting any doorbell presses from AD410. I believe this started around the time I installed 2022.12.5 I also have the automation that would send a snapshot from the doorbell to my Telegram when a motion is detected. This also has stopped working around the same time

ramyres commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. Button presses stopped working. Streams are working fine.

UPEngineer commented 1 year ago

I just noticed by doorbell presses have stopped working on my AD410 as well. Not sure when it stopped sending the events.

magic7s commented 1 year ago

I posted above that mine is working but I’m noticing that after some time I stop getting notifications. Rebooting the camera fixes it.

I’m not sure if this is the issue but I worked on an issue that the camera would reach its maximum number of tcp sessions then not allow any more. HB in this case was not releasing old sessions correctly.

derekjwhitten commented 1 year ago

I have this problem intermittently. When it happens, motion detection, human detection and doorbell button presses stop firing in Home Assistant, however I can still view the video feed and control the ring light and security light.

Reloading the integration clears it up and the entities start updating again however the issue recurs with a few days.

ve6rah commented 1 year ago

I seem to be having this problem intermittently as well. It's not reproducible reliably, however it seems more often than not when someone comes to the door and rings the doorbell I don't get the notification. When I then go out and manually check it, it's about 50/50 whether it works or not. It doesn't seem to be a matter of reloading anything, it just stops working, and then suddenly starts again. Originally I thought that this was related to a poor network connection, however I've confirmed that video is working at the times when the doorbell is not reporting, which seems to rule out a network connection problem.

Any ideas here? This is a pretty big problem for me, the only way that the doorbells ring in the house, is through this integration.

alexiswatson commented 1 year ago

I'm able to reproduce this as well.

Using the event spec in the docs as opposed to the binary_sensor helper, it doesn't seem the doorbell event is firing on the HA event bus at all. As I experience the same issue with the Amcrest integration, I wonder if this may be firmware related (perhaps an upstream API change of some kind), but haven't yet had the opportunity to confirm.

GaryOkie commented 1 year ago

@alexiswatson - AD110 or AD410? What firmware version?

There have been recent firmware upgrades that have in fact broken events. There is a fix out for the AD110. For the AD410, it depends on if you installed the latest version from the download site or not. (This latest version has broken events as well, according to 1 report I saw).

ve6rah commented 1 year ago

If you made the mistake of updating the software on the AD410, there is the ability to roll the firmware back. If you were on the latest version, API has been completely removed, so there is no way to get events. Dahua has decided to become like most of the other manufacturers, trying to lock you into their app only and making their product less useful

eastvan commented 1 year ago

If you made the mistake of updating the software on the AD410, there is the ability to roll the firmware back. If you were on the latest version, API has been completely removed, so there is no way to get events. Dahua has decided to become like most of the other manufacturers, trying to lock you into their app only and making their product less useful

My AD410 doorbell current firmware version is 1.000.0000000.7.R.210220. Not sure if it's the new firmware or the old one. I haven't updated anything at least manually.

ve6rah commented 1 year ago

Their numbering system is a little hard to understand, however I think that is a new version that is likely crippled.

I'm on Eng_N_V1.000.010000000.0.R.20211015 and it mostly works (Though, as stated above, I am having intermittent issues.) I show the latest version being 1.000.0000000.7.R.220615 and I know that one has been broken by the manufacturer.

intrinseca commented 1 year ago

I have 210220. API works but with intermittent issues.

eastvan commented 1 year ago

I have 210220. API works but with intermittent issues.

Same for me. The button presses events came back, but the human detection is still not working

Here are the links regarding the AD410 firmware from the Amcrest forum

https://amcrest.com/forum/amcrest-smart-home-f32/an-update-regarding-ad410-firmware-amcrest-support-t16107.html https://amcrest.com/forum/amcrest-smart-home-f32/ad410-firmware-updates--t15802-s10.html?sid=6d9edff4a956fdd40191be5558cf2bc2

alexiswatson commented 1 year ago

Thanks, folks. This is good to know.

@GaryOkie - This is also an AD410, running Eng_N_V1.000.0000000.7.R.20210220. App indicates this is the latest. though I unfortunately have no way of knowing if the original installer pulled the update, it came stock, or it was updated automagically. (I personally did not, but here we are, it seems.) I am getting motion detection and NTP events, but that's it.

Others investigating would do well to note that the latest Amcrest Smart Home app for Android cuts off the version number if you tap the "Firmware" section of "Device Information" and view it on its own screen. It will wrap correctly onto a second line if you just view it from the Device Info screen.

@eastvan, @ve6rah - Many thanks for the links and additional info. This seems to corroborate the issues I was having hitting the API endpoints directly earlier today. I'll request a firmware version with this remediated (whether rollback or beta) and and report back.

GaryOkie commented 1 year ago

There are 2 different symptoms being discussed here. One is INTERMITTENT human detection and/or doorbell press events being missed. The other is NO EVENTS at all are firing.

The intermittent issue is likely a WiFi network or custom Dahua integration problem. Trying the core Amcrest integration to see if the same problems can be duplicated is a start. Mesh networks are also known to cause problems for SmartHome devices.

The no events at all symptom could very well be a firmware issue if you have done a recent update. For the AD410, the SmartHome app continues to state that version 20210220 is current. This version is the original when the AD410 was first released over a year ago and has no problem with events.

On the Amcrest firmware download page there is new AD410 firmware (version 20221213). Do not install it! There have been several reports of events not working with this update. This is the exact same situation that occurred with the AD110 firmware update.

The comment that Dahua is killing the API and forcing a proprietary cloud connection and that Amcrest is doing the same isn't entirely accurate. Amcrest admitted to a mistake in disabling events in the AD110 and rather quickly released new firmware to fix that problem. Dahua, on the other hand, has neutered the API in their latest DB6I doorbell update.

See this post from an official Amcrest support rep on the status of the latest firmware updates (and subsequent issues)...

alexiswatson commented 1 year ago

@GaryOkie Thanks so much for clarifying. Seems a lot is getting conflated here, for sure, and I appreciate you taking the time.

To attempt to disentangle and keep this issue focused on the title: Yes, this is on the AD410, and what appears to be the stock firmware as you've described. I am getting VideoMotion and CrossRegionDetection events, but nothing on the doorbell. Previously, this was the same from both integrations.

However, on a lark, I performed a reset and tried both the Dahua and Amcrest integrations once more. No change on the Dahua, but I am now getting an AlarmLocal and related call events when using the doorbell with the Amcrest integration. I'd be happy to aid further in troubleshooting as I'm able.

GaryOkie commented 1 year ago

Well Alex, that is strange that it took a reset to get events working again - but only with the Amcrest integration. I wish I could tell you what the problem is with the Dahua integration. Looking at the most recent update to this code 2 months ago was a fix to how tripwire and intrusion (aka CrossRegionDetection) was being translated. That may be affecting the AD410 human detection - but I just don't know. Ronnie doesn't seem to be very active with this code of late.

fennec622 commented 1 year ago

Same problem with new firmware on AD410 can't access to


not authorizing

For the moment only solution downgrade firmware but I can't find this

Someone have a firmware ?


thanks in advance

WheresWes commented 1 year ago

I note that there is a new firmware on the Amcrest website 20230221 which according to the release notes addresses the API issues. Has anyone played with this yet?

GaryOkie commented 1 year ago

Thanks WhereWes for posting this. I've also asked on the Amcrest Forum for anyone installing it to followup.

The change log only mentions a new ability to record to SD card continuously in addition to fixing the event handling bug. Since I don't need this feature and don't have this event bug with the original firmware, I'm holding off.

Will wait and see if anything else worthwhile is noted with this update - And, if a full reset is really required. Ugh, that's never been required before.