rrousselGit / provider

InheritedWidgets, but simple
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[RFC] Simplifying providers that depends on each others #46

Closed rrousselGit closed 5 years ago

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

From experience looking at larger Flutter applications, it is relatively common to have some dependency between providers.

For example, we may have a Provider<Configuration> and a Provider<AuthentificationService> where the latter depends on the former.

But that's currently not something we can represent purely using provider package. Our only solution right now is to somehow eject provider and handle everything ourselves like so:

Configuration configuration;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MultiProvider(
    providers: [
      Provider.value(value: configuration),
      Provider(builder: (_) => AuthentificationService(configuration)),
    child: MaterialApp(...),

That's not good. It reintroduces the ability to make a circular object graph & forget to update/dispose of an object. We're loosing all the fancy securities that using widgets for DI brings.

The discussion on https://github.com/rrousselGit/provider/issues/44 made me realize that an advanced Consumer may be able to solve this issue.

Naively we could think of doing:

  providers: [
    Provider<Foo>(builder: (_) => Foo()),
    Consumer<Foo>(builder: (context, foo, child) {
      final bar = Bar(foo);
      return Provider<Bar>.value(value: bar, child: child);
  child: MaterialApp(...),

... The problem is that we're doing final bar = Bar(foo); inside the build method of Consumer. That's not good either – we may have memory leaks. But that's something we can fix using a more advanced Consumer, which I'll call ProxyProvider for now.

The idea behind ProxyProvider is that it would work similarly to the default constructor of Provider, but also like Consumer as it would read values from other providers and pass them to the builder.

The same example using ProxyProvider would be:

  providers: [
    Provider<Foo>(builder: (_) => Foo()),
    ProxyProvider<Foo, Bar>(builder: (context, Foo foo, Bar previousBar) {
      return Bar(foo);
  child: MaterialApp(...),

In that example, the builder of ProxyProvider would be called on the first build; or whenever Foo changes.

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

One of the possible implementations could be:

class ProxyProvider<T, R> extends StatefulWidget
    implements SingleChildCloneableWidget {
  const ProxyProvider({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final R Function(BuildContext, T, R) builder;
  final UpdateShouldNotify<R> updateShouldNotify;
  final Widget child;

  _ProxyProviderState<T, R> createState() => _ProxyProviderState();

  ProxyProvider<T, R> cloneWithChild(Widget child) {
    return ProxyProvider(
      key: key,
      builder: builder,
      updateShouldNotify: updateShouldNotify,
      child: child,

class _ProxyProviderState<T, R> extends State<ProxyProvider<T, R>> {
  R value;

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    value = widget.builder(context, Provider.of<T>(context), value);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Provider<R>.value(
      value: value,
      child: widget.child,
      updateShouldNotify: widget.updateShouldNotify,

We may want to give the ability to use a provider other than Provider<R>.value using a named constructor.

filiph commented 5 years ago

Ah, is this what you meant over at #44? I love this idea as it's a common use case and a clean API. From first glance, it doesn't look like there are perf implications.

I wonder what @jiaeric thinks.

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

Ah, is this what you meant over at #44?

It's related, but not exactly. My remark on #44 got me thinking about potential use-cases/flaws, and it here we are. 😄

I think that's an interesting idea. But I want to make sure that we don't solve an issue by introducing a bigger problem down the road.

The current example is relatively easy. I'll think of more complex scenarios with a combination of:

There are some questions that need to be answered first I think. Like "when do we dispose of the created value?" because some objects may be recreated while others may be mutated.

filiph commented 5 years ago

Yeah, this could get pretty gnarly before things are satisfactorily answered. If you agree, I would put this outside 2.0.0 scope.

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

I would put this outside 2.0.0 scope.

No problem! That's not a priority anyway, it's just fuel for discussions.

filiph commented 5 years ago

Coming back to this: what's the implication when a provider depends on multiple other providers? I don't have a use case at hand, but I can imagine it will crop up. Can we compose ProxyProviders inside each other?

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

Currently, providers can't depend on other providers. Not in a sane way at least.

Our "only" options are:

Can we compose ProxyProvider


  providers: [
    ProxyProvider<Foo, Bar>(
      builder: (context, foo, previous) => Bar(foo),
    ProxyProvider<Bar, Baz>(
      builder: (context, bar, previous) => Baz(bar),

I assume we'll want variations of the ProxyProvider that consumes 1-6 values from other providers.

Similarly, I think it'd be interesting to have an optional providerBuilder argument.

ProxyProvider<Foo, Bar>(
  builder: (context, foo, previous) => Bar(foo),
  providerBuilder: (context, bar, child) => ChangeNotifier.value(value: bar, child: child),
  child: <whatever>

and the default behavior of providerBuilder would be

(context, value, child) => Provider.value(value: value, child: child),
MarcinusX commented 5 years ago

I've tried to use ProxyProvider, but without providerBuilder you have to ditch ChangeNotifierProvider which I find easiest to use.

Is the following setup matching what you meant when suggested wrapping in Consumer? Assuming that DataService is just to inject methods and it doesn't have any actual state in it.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Provider<DataService>.value(
      value: DataService(NetworkService(), LocalService()),
      child: Consumer<DataService>(
        builder: (context, dataService, child) {
          return MultiProvider(
            providers: [
                notifier: CountriesViewModel(dataService),
            child: child,
        child: ....
rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

What do you mean by:

but without providerBuilder you have to ditch ChangeNotifierProvider which I find easiest to use.


There's providerBuilder in the current implementation available there: #59

And there's an example using it here

Assuming we go forward with ProxyProvider, I'll add a few shorthands to make using ProxyProvider with existing providers easier. Like ProxyChangeNotifierProvider and such.

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

Is the following setup matching what you meant when suggested wrapping in Consumer?

Yes but that still fails. Assuming that DataService is immutable, CountriesViewModel still isn't.

Using your code snippet, you'll easily lose your state when rebuilding.

MarcinusX commented 5 years ago

Oh, I don't know how I missed it... Sorry for that...

Yeah, you are right about losing state... So do I understand correctly that withProxyProvider it is handled because of using previous in the builder like in the example you just mentioned?

And thank you for those explanations! You're the best!

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

it is handled because of using previous in the builder like in the example you just mentioned?

Yes. That previous exists for mutable objects. Immutable ones usually won't care about this argument.

bizz84 commented 5 years ago

I've been playing with providers with inter-dependencies.

One example I currently have looks like this:

  static Widget create(BuildContext context) {
    final auth = Provider.of<AuthBase>(context);
    return Provider<ValueNotifier<bool>>(
      builder: (context) => ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
      child: Consumer<ValueNotifier<bool>>(
        builder: (context, valueNotifier, _) => Provider<SignInManager>(
              builder: (context) =>
                  SignInManager(auth: auth, isLoading: valueNotifier),
              child: Consumer<SignInManager>(
                builder: (context, manager, _) => ValueListenableBuilder<bool>(
                      valueListenable: valueNotifier,
                      builder: (context, isLoading, _) => SignInPage(
                            manager: manager,
                            isLoading: isLoading,

This could be reduced to:

  static Widget create(BuildContext context) {
    final auth = Provider.of<AuthBase>(context);
    return Provider<ValueNotifier<bool>>(
      builder: (context) => ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
      child: ProxyProvider<ValueNotifier<bool>, SignInManager>(
          builder: (context, valueNotifier, _) =>
              SignInManager(auth: auth, isLoading: valueNotifier),
          child: Consumer<SignInManager>(
            builder: (context, manager, _) => ValueListenableBuilder<bool>(
              valueListenable: valueNotifier,
              builder: (context, isLoading, _) => SignInPage(
                manager: manager,
                isLoading: isLoading,

Beyond that, it would be nice to use MultiProvider as in https://github.com/rrousselGit/provider/issues/46#issuecomment-491381021.

After some experimentation, I ended up with something like this:

  static Widget create(BuildContext context) {
    final auth = Provider.of<AuthBase>(context);
    return MultiProvider(
      providers: [
            builder: (_) => ValueNotifier<bool>(false)),
        ProxyProvider<ValueNotifier<bool>, SignInManager>(
          builder: (_, valueNotifier, _) =>
              SignInManager(auth: auth, isLoading: valueNotifier),
      child: Consumer<ValueNotifier<bool>>(
        builder: (_, valueNotifier, _) => Consumer<SignInManager>(
              builder: (_, manager, _) => ValueListenableBuilder<bool>(
                    valueListenable: valueNotifier,
                    builder: (_, isLoading, _) => SignInPage(
                          manager: manager,
                          isLoading: isLoading,

Does this look reasonable?

Also, it would be nice to simplify the 3 nested consumers I currently have. Maybe something like a ProxyConsumer?

In any case, I like the direction Provider is taking, thanks a lot!

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

Also, it would be nice to simplify the 3 nested consumers I currently have.

There's a variation of Consumer which consumes more than one value: Consumer2, ..., Consumer6

ProxyProvider would follow the same treatment. So in your example we may use ProxyProvider2 instead, which would listen to both AuthBase and ValueNotifier<bool> at the same time. Otherwise SignInManager isn't rebuilt when AuthBase changes. NIT if AuthBase never changes, but it's cool to keep the providers reactive.

Is SignInManager listening to the ValueNotifier<bool>? If so, you're likely missing on a dispose. Which means this usage of ProxyProvider is likely invalid.

All of these combined, you may want that instead:

ProxyProvider2<ValueNoftifier<bool>, AuthBase, SignInManager>(
  builder: (_, isLoading, auth, previous) {
    final manager = previous ?? SignInManger();
    manager.auth = auth;
    manager.isLoading = isLoading;
    return manager;
  dispose: (_, manager) => manager.dispose(),

Alternatively can change Provider<ValueNotifier<bool>> into ListenableProvider<ValueNotifer<bool>>.

Which means that SignInManager do not need to listen to the ValueNotifier, and may, therefore, become immutable.

Which also means that we can replace our previous example with:

ProxyProvider2<ValueNoftifier<bool>, AuthBase, SignInManager>(
  builder: (_, isLoading, auth, _) => SignInManger(auth, isLoading.value),
MarcinusX commented 5 years ago

Do you have any example on how ProxyProvider2,3,4... should look?

rrousselGit commented 5 years ago

ProxyProvider2 would be syntax sugar for:

ProxyProvider<Foo, Bar>(
  builder: (context, foo, previous) {
    final baz = Provider.of<Baz>(context);
    return Bar(foo, baz);
bizz84 commented 5 years ago

@rrousselGit thanks for all the info!

In my case SignInManager doesn't listen to ValueNotifier, only sets the value.

However you're right about disposing the ValueNotifier. I should be doing this in the dispose closure of Provider<ValueNotifier<bool>>.

So this is what I came up with:

    return MultiProvider(
      providers: [
          builder: (_) => ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
          dispose: (_, valueNotifier) => valueNotifier.dispose(),
        ProxyProvider<ValueNotifier<bool>, SignInManager>(
          builder: (_, valueNotifier, __) => SignInManager(auth: auth, isLoading: valueNotifier),
      child: Consumer2<ValueNotifier<bool>, SignInManager>(
        builder: (_, valueNotifier, manager, __) => ValueListenableBuilder<bool>(
              valueListenable: valueNotifier,
              builder: (_, isLoading, __) => SignInPage._(
                    manager: manager,
                    isLoading: isLoading,

I really like that I can use Consumer2 with types that have inter-dependencies. As in, SignInManager takes ValueNotifier<bool> as an input, but this is taken care of by the ProxyProvider. So I can just list the types I need with ConsumerX. Correct?

shamilovtim commented 4 years ago

Hey guys,

Something unclear about the docs. I am beginning to see that from the example the valueNotifier in ProxyProvider is coming from the Provider above it. However the docs mention nothing about this and the variables aren't named the same, there's no indication that the constructor or object instance is shared. The parameter is passed in lower camel case but it's not clear where it's coming from. It's completely confusing. Can we update the docs to explain what's going on here?