Closed PragTob closed 1 year ago
aight yeah that's what I feared..old elixir versions don't support the syntax and so the proper workaround would be to extract helpers that are compiled differently based on what elixir version is in use... fun :|
should account for this. I implemented the backport based on your branch, but somehow lost your commits (probably a "fat finger rebase").
Could you have a look if it solves your issue? 😄
@rrrene ah good to see you :green_heart: Yes, warnings are gone, there's one more, right now, I'll MR it :)
tobi@qiqi:~/github/benchee$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Resolution completed in 0.04s
bunt 0.2.1
deep_merge 1.0.0
dialyxir 1.4.2
earmark_parser 1.4.37
erlex 0.2.6
ex_doc 0.30.9
ex_guard 1.6.1
excoveralls 0.18.0
file_system 0.2.10
fs 8.6.1
jason 1.4.1
makeup 1.1.0
makeup_elixir 0.16.1
makeup_erlang 0.1.2
nimble_parsec 1.3.1
statistex 1.0.0
table 0.1.2
credo 1.7.1 => 1.7.2-rc.0
* Updating credo (Hex package)
tobi@qiqi:~/github/benchee$ mix credo
==> credo
Compiling 252 files (.ex)
warning: function traverse/4 is unused
56 │ defp traverse({unquote(op), _, nil} = ast, issues, _issue_meta, _parens?) do
│ ~
└─ lib/credo/check/warning/mix_env.ex:56:10: Credo.Check.Warning.MixEnv (module)
Thanks for your work!
Lots of warnings like this one on elixir 1.16.0-rc.0:
Thanks for all the great work! :green-heart: