rrrlasse / eXdupe

Ultra fast file archiver that supports data deduplication and differential backups
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Feature suggestion: switch compression algorithm for level 3? #2

Open M-Gonzalo opened 11 months ago

M-Gonzalo commented 11 months ago

bzip2 is by now long superseded by other algorithms that provide better ratios for a fraction of the cost in terms of CPU, cspeed and dspeed.

Some alternatives are lzma, lzma2, and fast-lzma2, an lzma2 version with a fast match finder based on a radix sort. It can compress about ~2 - 3x times faster than lzma2, use much less memory, and efficiently utilize all CPU threads available for a negligible increase in memory (as opposed to conventional xz algorithms where every thread needs to have its own memory pool). The drawback is some ~1 - 2% less compression for single-threaded applications (but can have a much better ratio with big blocks compressed using several threads). Decompression speed is about the same as lzma2.


rrrlasse commented 11 months ago

You're right and that's definitely on the todo-list :)