rrwick / Deepbinner

a signal-level demultiplexer for Oxford Nanopore reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
124 stars 23 forks source link

Question with bin #20

Open nicoledel3 opened 5 years ago

nicoledel3 commented 5 years ago

For --reads, can I point to the fastq directory output by the minKNOW program? I have multiple fastq files output from basecalling by minKNOW, and I get an error saying that the directory can't be found. Thank you!

mbhall88 commented 5 years ago

Looking at the code, it needs to be a single file.

Being able to point at multiple reads files would be super handy though. This would save having to concatenate all the fastq files together for the sake of just binning.

For now I would just do something like the following:


cat $(find $reads_dir -name '*.fastq') > tmp_reads.fastq

deepbinner bin \
    --classes classifications \
    --reads tmp_reads.fastq \
    --out_dir .

rm tmp_reads.fastq