rrwick / Deepbinner

a signal-level demultiplexer for Oxford Nanopore reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can I use Deepbinner for data with EXP-NBD104 native barcoding expansion? #42

Open Ping-github opened 3 years ago

Ping-github commented 3 years ago

I have based called fast5 to be classified and I used EXP-NBD104 native barcoding expansion. Not sure whether Deepbinner works for me which is trained with NBD103 (not seen from the provided link ). Thanks

ghost commented 3 years ago

Everybody in my lab is in the same position, would love to know as well before I start using it

Monica-science commented 3 years ago

I have the same question here, however, I will try to demux using Deepbinner considering that the last 2021 update stated that the program can classify up to 96 native barcodes, and NBD103 is already an Old nanopore Kit. will comment my experience