rrwick / Porechop

adapter trimmer for Oxford Nanopore reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
323 stars 124 forks source link

Make pip installable #10

Open tseemann opened 7 years ago

tseemann commented 7 years ago

Deploying this and its deps would be much easier if i could just pip3 install porechop :)

timp0 commented 7 years ago

Or conda for that matter?

tseemann commented 6 years ago

@timp0 once it is in pip/pipy then conda will be trival.

rrwick commented 6 years ago

I'm sure you're right - I just haven't gotten around to it. I will though, someday. I promise! 😄

A link for my own reference in the future: http://peterdowns.com/posts/first-time-with-pypi.html

cjw85 commented 6 years ago

I might have a look at this (at least as a many-linux wheel).

sjackman commented 5 years ago

Porechop is available in Brewsci/bio. Install Homebrew/Linuxbrew https://brew.sh and https://linuxbrew.sh and then

brew install brewsci/bio/porechop