rrwick / Porechop

adapter trimmer for Oxford Nanopore reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
322 stars 123 forks source link

None barcode #73

Open BOM86 opened 5 years ago

BOM86 commented 5 years ago

Dear rrwick,

I have been using Porechop for some time now and it works very well! However, now I tried to demultiplex a sample which contains only one barcode and all my reads end up in the None.fastq file. I have checked the sequences and it is not a problem that the barcode could not be found, they can be identified but for some reason they are not binned...

I have attached a part the output (verbosity 3):

2061df90-867e-48c6-ba4a-c03c3a050b47 runid=a8493ef9ac29fcba8a5778a50ecc7634735e4d1d sampleid=Viro_run_27 read=4 ch=492 start_time=2018-09-06T11:23:02Z start: start alignments: SQK-NSK007, full score=80.0, partial score=80.0, read position: 3-31 Barcode 1 (reverse), full score=20.0, partial score=83.333333, read position: 0-6 Barcode 1 (forward), full score=100.0, partial score=100.0, read position: 31-55 end: .. Barcodes: start barcodes:
end barcodes:
best start barcode: none (0.0%) best end barcode: none (0.0%) final barcode call: none

a837dc98-b8ba-4cf1-b4d4-95806aa9dab3 runid=a8493ef9ac29fcba8a5778a50ecc7634735e4d1d sampleid=Viro_run_27 read=6 ch=419 start_time=2018-09-06T11:23:02Z start: ... start alignments: SQK-NSK007, full score=77.419355, partial score=77.419355, read position: 4-31 Barcode 1 (forward), full score=76.923077, partial score=76.923077, read position: 31-53 end: ... Barcodes: start barcodes:
end barcodes:
best start barcode: none (0.0%) best end barcode: none (0.0%) final barcode call: none

Do you know how to solve this problem?

Best regards,
