rrwick / Porechop

adapter trimmer for Oxford Nanopore reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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to discard or not to discard?.. reads with middle adapter #93

Open laurabio opened 1 year ago

laurabio commented 1 year ago

I have a library of plamids that looks like this (plasmid_top...INSERT... plasmid_bottom) since the plasmid_top is more than 1000 b long i decided to look only for 30 base adjacent to the insert (i added in adapter.py file 30 base long adapter/identifiers). i am confused on whether it will treat these as middle adapter and split the read or discard them. see below

under "Barcode demultiplexing" it is stated : Note that the --discard_middle option is always active when demultiplexing barcoded reads. This is because a read with a middle adapter is likely chimeric and the pieces of chimeric reads may belong in separate bins. but under the "Full usage" it is stated: (default: split reads when an adapter is found in the middle) so i am a bit confused since it always demultiplexes does Porechop discard reads with middle adapters or does it split them....?