rrwick / Unicycler

hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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What is the rule about the origin of circular assembly when its dnaA/repA is missing? #295

Open wyanren opened 2 years ago

wyanren commented 2 years ago


Three circular assemblies are generated by Unicycler. As the source sample is single bacteria colony and these assemblies' genome size, two of them are chromosome and the remaining one is plasmid。

And further I try to examine the replication origin of these assemblies (whether they are origin from dnaA or repA gene). However, I found only one of them (chromosome) starts with the dnaA gene, the other two start with Aldehyde dehydrogenase (COG1012, chromosome one) and putative transposase (COG2842, plasmid one).

Therefore, I wonder what is the setting rule about the origin of circular assembly when its dnaA/repA is missing?

By the way, thanks a lot for this tool for the hybrid assembly, it's definitely much efficient than sorely using Flye for us!