rrwick / Unicycler

hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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can not detect the plasmid sequence #312

Open zzsunday opened 1 year ago

zzsunday commented 1 year ago


rrwick, the unicycler is really a fantasy software.

But, During the assembly of the bacteria genome using both short illumina reads and Nanopore reads with the Unicycler software, I encountered a problem. I had prior knowledge of bacteria's plasmid sequence, the assembly process using short illumina reads with Spades successfully detected the plasmid sequence in the final assembly fasta. However, when I attempted to assemble using both illumina and Nanopore reads with Unicycler, the plasmid sequence was no longer detectable in the final assembly fasta. Nonetheless, upon aligning the Nanopore reads with the plasmid sequence, I observed that some reads could match with the plasmid sequence.

If necessary , I could send the attachment to your email.