rrwick / Unicycler

hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Filter contigs by depth #316

Open termithorbor opened 1 year ago

termithorbor commented 1 year ago


I want to run a Breseq analysis and therfore I need to filter the contigs in my assembly by depth. is this somehow possible in Unicycler?

Thanks :)

Here is a short description what I want to do/need: Yes, breseq can analyze input reference sequences containing multiple fragments, like what you typically have after an incomplete de novo assembly.

IMPORTANT: Use the --contig-reference|-c option instead of -r for passing an entire file from a de novo assembly in which all contigs should have the same coverage. If you have a plasmid and chromosome, put each in a different file and pass the -c option twice, so coverage is only assumed to be the same within each input file.