rrwick / Unicycler

hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
535 stars 132 forks source link

SPAdes crashed on M1 Mac #328

Open kkslow opened 7 months ago

kkslow commented 7 months ago

Hello All, I was trying to use unicycler for illumina reads assembly on M1 Mac. But spades crashed. Could you please help me to solve this?

"Dependencies: Program Version Status
spades.py 3.15.2 good
racon not used makeblastdb 2.15.0+ good
tblastn 2.15.0+ good
bowtie2-build 2.5.2 good
bowtie2 2.5.2 good
samtools 1.18 good
java 21.0.1 good
pilon 1.24 good
bcftools not used

SPAdes read error correction (2023-11-21 20:46:02) Unicycler uses the SPAdes read error correction module to reduce the number of errors in the short read before SPAdes assembly. This can make the assembly faster and simplify the assembly graph structure.

Error: SPAdes crashed! Please view spades.log for more information."