rs-ipfs / welcome

Entry point for the IPFS Rust organization's community and management efforts.
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Decision Log #2

Closed aphelionz closed 4 years ago

aphelionz commented 4 years ago

This is a simple table to keep track of management / admin decisions, when they were made, and their rationale. This will be useful to refer back to in the future to transparently see how and why certain decisions were made.

Date Decision Rationale
2/13/2020 Calls will not be recorded Recorded calls should not be a replacement for good meeting notes. Also, privacy concerns.
2/14/2020 Community Roster will be GitHub issue with voluntary participation We want to do everything as publicly as possible, but people should be able to opt-in to being part of the community roster.
2/20/2020 Logo should be hexagonal in shape Logo should work well for stickers and should match the existing js-ipfs and go-ipfs designs
2/21/2020 Logo design work will happen in an ipfs-rust repo PL design threads are private and internal to PL, so we'll do it here in the open for now
2/21/2020 Joint blog post will be written with @aphelionz and @vmx We both had similar ideas and decided to collaborate
2/25/2020 Logo was approved :+1: See the logo repo for more details. Also, the Rust IPFS community is free to use the "Crab + cube" motif as long as the relationship between the two is positive Official logo provided by Protocol Labs
3/6/2020 Conformance tests can be refactored to require fewer secondary endpoints Some tests that test fo rexample /block endpoints, also require the use of out-of-grant-scope items like /add Source
3/9/2020 Organization-wide Github Projects will be used for project management Tried "tracking issues" with checkboxes and GitHub projects. Source
3/10/2020 async-std will be used in favor of tokio Although, crates like warp may still pull in tokio Source
3/12/2020 ipfs::Ipfs will be made cloneable Needed for spreading across all warp filters
. dag.tree
3/25/2020 forking floodsub. there is no other way to get the sent message in all cases: the difficult one is "being the only peer in the swarm" in which case we cannot recover the message from floodsub

Note: The people involved in the decisions are kept off of the list to avoid focus on who made the decision vs how + why. Questons, comments, suggestions should be recorded as comments to this issue.