rs-station / careless

Merge X-ray diffraction data with Wilson's priors, variational inference, and metadata
MIT License
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applying a scale function to new input #156

Closed DHekstra closed 5 months ago

DHekstra commented 5 months ago

I am seeking to jointly process "light" and "dark" integrated intensities previously processed using CrystFEL.

  1. Careless appears to run fine on a single "dark" input MTZ generated from the stream files (e.g. job 24317437_9082). An existing structure can be refined against these dark structure factor amplitudes.

  2. I am able to run a next Careless run on the dark data where I initialize the scales using the scales from the preceding run (--scale-file="./merge_crystfel_24317437_9082_mono_grid_3/dhfr_grid_scale")--see job id 24362624_115. The resulting amplitudes again permit for refinement in Phenix with similar statistics (a little better, FWIW).

  3. When I run Careless on light and dark data (without DW), I get a numerical issues warning and early termination:

    Encountered numerical issues, terminating optimization early!

    and progress bar:

    Training:   0%|          | 0/30000 [00:03<?, ?it/s, Grad Norm=nan, loss=nan, F KLDiv=6.07e+02, NLL=nan, NLL_val=nan]
  4. I then tried to prevent this by providing careless with an approximate initial scale function based on just the dark data (using the same metadata keys). In this case, I get the following error (job ID 24368387_30733)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/n/hekstra_lab/people/dhekstra/conda_envs/careless-12/bin/careless", line 8, in <module>
    File "/n/hekstra_lab/people/dhekstra/conda_envs/careless-12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/careless/", line 9, in main
    File "/n/hekstra_lab/people/dhekstra/conda_envs/careless-12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/careless/", line 41, in run_careless
    File "/n/hekstra_lab/people/dhekstra/conda_envs/careless-12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras/utils/", line 70, in error_handler
    raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
    File "/n/hekstra_lab/people/dhekstra/conda_envs/careless-12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/", line 720, in _restore_from_tensors
    raise ValueError(
    ValueError: Received incompatible tensor with shape (2884,) when attempting to restore variable with shape (6292,) and name Variable:0.
    WARNING:tensorflow:Detecting that an object or model or tf.train.Checkpoint is being deleted with unrestored values. See the following logs for the specific values in question. To sil
    ence these warnings, use `status.expect_partial()`. See details about the status object returned by the resto
    re function.
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root)
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root).mlp_scaler.distribution.layer_with_weights-0.kernel
    WARNING:tensorflow:Value in checkpoint could not be found in the restored object: (root).mlp_scaler.distribution.layer_with_weights-0.bias
DHekstra commented 5 months ago

Careless v 0.4.1 with

Args: mono 
kmdalton commented 5 months ago

Sorry if I missed it, but can you process the light data alone?

DHekstra commented 5 months ago

let me try

DHekstra commented 5 months ago

oddly, the error on step 3 above appears to have been caused by some of the input MTZs missing metadata columns.

kmdalton commented 5 months ago

your last message seems to indicate this is an issue with the input data formatting and not with the careless CLI. i will close this issue for now.