rs-station / rs-booster

Useful scripts for analyzing diffraction
MIT License
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Name change? #11

Closed JBGreisman closed 2 years ago

JBGreisman commented 2 years ago

This repo was originally for my scripts related to EF-X data processing. Its scope has since expanded a bit, and now includes many other useful scripts that we use for all sorts of diffraction data processing (e.g. making difference maps).

I plan to make this repo public with our DHFR work to support some data processing depositions, and I think it may be time to make a name change here to better describe the library and minimize confusion.

Any suggestions are welcome!

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

Obviously, EF-X stands for "extra fancy crystallography"

But yes, seconded that this is a logical concern. One naming thing would be to think about how to put this under the reciprocalspaceship umbrella? Especially if we want to create a stand-alone GitHub organization to house rs and plausibly this as well.

reciprocalspacesuit? Just spacesuit? spacesuit is inexplicably available on PyPi.

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

I could also imagine one or a series of packages with the naming scheme rs-{thing}. Could be a gimicky name like rs-sidecar or rs-booster, or an informative name like rs-maptools, rs-extrapolated, etc.

These can then all be tied together by some pip install rs-universe command or whatever that gets you the whole suite of packages.

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

I actually quite like reciprocalspacestation as an organization name?

JBGreisman commented 2 years ago

I was originally considering that reciprocalspace could be the organization that houses reciprocalspaceship and this package, but reciprocalspace does seem to be taken already by someone.

JBGreisman commented 2 years ago

though I also like the imagery of reciprocalspacestation

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

I also had that thought; I searched, and it turns out there is a GitHub user with this username:

Which would probably create enough confusion to be annoying

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

in summary, I would support this package becoming reciprocalspacestation/rs-tools

kmdalton commented 2 years ago

This is clearly the most important decision in any software project. We must not take it lightly. I submit that what you have created is a "toolbox" for reciprocal space. "toolbox" however is an unfortunately long name. Therefore, I recommend the obvious contraction "tbx".

rstbx, a name we can be proud of.

A previous version of this comment neglected to use italics. #shame

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I dig that

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

There is one hit upon searching github for "rstbx":

I have no thoughts about this.

JBGreisman commented 2 years ago

my hesitation with rs-tools is that I don't like dashes, and the name would read quite poorly if the dash were dropped

JBGreisman commented 2 years ago


dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

my hesitation with rs-tools is that I don't like dashes, and the name would read quite poorly if the dash were dropped

lol glad you mentioned this.

JBGreisman commented 2 years ago

My current thinking is rs-booster. I think this can then be thought of as a "booster pack" for rs, that installs commandline tools under the rs.* namespace (i.e. rs.extrapolate, rs.find_peaks, rs.diffmap...).

Once this is added to PyPI, we can then add this to extras_require and dev to the rs that specifies this package. That way this can be installed with reciprocalspaceship using something like:

pip install reciprocalspaceship[dev]


pip install reciprocalspaceship[booster]

How does that sound?

dennisbrookner commented 2 years ago

yeah I like this a lot!