rs / SDSegmentedControl

A drop-in remplacement for UISegmentedControl that mimic iOS 6 AppStore tab controls
MIT License
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SDSegmentedControl init from nib, how sizing works? #8

Closed exalted closed 11 years ago

exalted commented 11 years ago

It is not entirely clear to me how SDSegmentedControl's width is setup. I dropped an UISegmentedControl to iPhone sized view which is used in an universal app and changed it class to be SDSegmentedControl, then in viewDidLoad I add various segments by '- insertSegmentWithTitle:atIndex:animated:'. At the end segmented control's view is way larger than expected.

How to make it respect sizing and auto–resizing specified in xib, so that users would scroll horizontally to tap on additional segments please?


exalted commented 11 years ago

Oh crap! Horizontal scroll is in the TODOs, I've just noticed this...

rs commented 11 years ago

Yep, and teaser: it will come sooner than later :) cc/ @mrackwitz