rsachetto / MonoAlg3D_C

Extensible Monodomain simulator
MIT License
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Updating Purkinje-library - Package 6 #16

Closed bergolho closed 3 years ago

bergolho commented 3 years ago

Hello Sachetto,

In this pull request, I included the functions to save the LAT and APD maps in VTP/VTU format. Also, I stored all the functions and structures that are not: INIT_SAVE_MESH, END_SAVE_MESH or SAVE_MESH in a helper library ("save_mesh_helper") to reduce ammount of code in the "save_mesh_purkinje.c". This way the "" will only have the initialization, termination and main function on its scope. Just to mention that I did not do this to the "save_mesh.c" file, but you can follow this pattern if you find suitable. The PMJ delay function is not ready yet and needs further testing.