rsachetto / MonoAlg3D_C

Extensible Monodomain simulator
MIT License
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Updating Purkinje-library - Package 7 #17

Closed bergolho closed 3 years ago

bergolho commented 3 years ago

Hello Sachetto,

In this pull request, the first version of the function that calculates the PMJ delay has been implemented. Also, I removed all of my old simulations that do not work in the current code anymore from the 'example_configs' folder. The simulation for testing the Purkinje-coupling parameters on Rafa Sebastian's networks has been included in this commit as well.

Although for some reason, the current version of the ToRORd ("") cellular model is not working properly and keeps generating NaN values even in simple simulations such as the "cable_mesh_with_ToRORd_fkatp_endo.ini". To solve this problem I implemented another version of the model which is on the "" library file. I still need to test the steady-state for the initial conditions of the ODE's. Besides, if you manage to solve the bug on the original "" I can delete my version of the "ToRORd" model and consider only yours.