rsagroup / rsatoolbox

Python library for Representational Similarity Analysis
MIT License
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Reproducing RDM from Multi-Arrangement Task with missing data #321

Open hyue723 opened 1 year ago

hyue723 commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to use the rsatoolbox to reproduce RDMs provided from, where we used the Multi-Arrangement Task to collect data and got the readily computed RDMs. I realized there may be a difference on how the rsatoolbox and the deal with missing data when computing RDMs from the trials of multi-arrangement task. I wonder how are the two algorithms differ, and whether this difference is caused by randomness or by some important assumptions made. This is crucial to our experiment because we will be computing RDMs after excluding some trials' data.

JasperVanDenBosch commented 1 year ago

Hi Yue! Thanks for posting here and your detailed notes and code. I agree that the missing values and the size of the arena are key in the comparisons. I want these to be working the same on both versions. I'll keep you updated