rsalmei / alive-progress

A new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, ETA, and very cool animations!
MIT License
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Unknown symbols #220

Open baterflyrity opened 1 year ago

baterflyrity commented 1 year ago

Hi! I'd like to use this library but unfortunately it does not work on my machine.

Can you please point out missing requirements or fix this bug?


rsalmei commented 1 year ago

Hi @baterflyrity,

That's weird since you seem to have a powerlevel prompt right in there! Which font is your terminal using? And which terminal is it? Perhaps the terminal does include its own set of powerlevel glyphs, but misses on other content... The usual fix for this is for you to install a nerdfont:

baterflyrity commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for reply.

My terminal characteristics are: System: Windows 10 Shell: cmd.exe Console: ComEmu Terminal: Clink Prompt: oh-my-posh Font: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono Encoding: 866 (and can not be changed since Windows) Python encoding: utf8 Python version: 3.11

Hence I can not understand why some glyphs are show as ? symbol. Do you have any ideas on this?

rsalmei commented 1 year ago

Hi, wow... It's always windows that messes things up... I don't have a windows development machine to test it, so unfortunately I don't know what else to suggest to you... 😞 I do have a workaround for windows in the code, and I'm not aware of any bugs in windows atm (people would have already reported any).

I'd like to ask you to try to figure it out, please, because it would help the community as a whole... Here are the default spinner chars, you could try to copy them and try to print them in an ipython session: print('▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█'). Then play with the terminal font, python encoding, windows encoding, and whatever you can come up with, until these chars get printed correctly... Thank you 👍

baterflyrity commented 1 year ago

Hello! I've studied in details and figured out that this was my misconfiguration 😞. Actually ComEmu utilizes dedicated font for such symbols. Thus one has to just disable Alternate font checkbox or adjust it to Nerd Font etc.


All in all thanks for reply and sorry for bother)

baterflyrity commented 1 year ago

Well, unfortunately, this did not help in some cases:



@rsalmei , do you have another idea?

rsalmei commented 1 year ago

That's great! I'm glad you've made progress! Well, I don't know what more you could try besides tweaking the font, but I think you should be at peace with it, it is working already!

In that "Display features" section you mentioned, I wanted to show my newest support for WIDE CHARS, which was very very hard to do since they should animate together with SINGLE CHARS like spaces. So, in there I use Emojis, which are very different Unicode chars that are WIDE, i.e. they occupy two columns on the screen. And perhaps your terminal doesn't even support them... In any case, this is what should happen there:

zooplibob commented 6 months ago

I have the same issue on Windows. None of the spinners show up properly in the console window. Any idea how to fix this? Jeff

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 9 20 08 AM
rsalmei commented 6 months ago

Unfortunately, no. I do not have a windows machine for dev, so I can't test it. But all linux environments should be perfectly supported, I mean macOS and windows wsl2. Do you use WSL2?

zooplibob commented 6 months ago

We use this for our automated testers which only run Windows. It would be really great if you could provide a solution to this, as your library has the best feature set. Its just looks bad when the spinners are shown as ? blocks.

rsalmei commented 6 months ago

Sure, I understand. Please, try to run it with classic spinner and bar. These won't use any fancy characters, so they should work now.

zooplibob commented 6 months ago

Yes I tried the classic ones and they seem to work. Sad not to be able to us the fancier ones though.