rsalmei / alive-progress

A new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, ETA, and very cool animations!
MIT License
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Crash during unitest #268

Open mtribiere opened 4 months ago

mtribiere commented 4 months ago

I use this library in a project, and use the CMake/Ninja combo to unittest it. On Linux no issues, but on Windows I have a crash. Probalby some issues with the Powershell encoding. Thanks for your help.



ERROR: test_md5_sums_valid (tests.test_cesam.TestCesamDownloadFolder.test_md5_sums_valid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python312\Lib\unittest\", line 1387, in patched
    return func(*newargs, **newkeywargs)
  File "C:\Tools\DEV\libcesam\tests\", line 666, in test_md5_sums_valid
    test_folder = cesam.download_folder(test_folder)
  File "C:\Tools\DEV\libcesam\libcesam\", line 246, in download_folder
    with alive_bar(len(["test"])) as bar:
  File "C:\Program Files\Python312\Lib\", line 144, in __exit__
  File "C:\Tools\DEV\libcesam\venv\Lib\site-packages\alive_progress\core\", line 364, in __alive_bar
  File "C:\Tools\DEV\libcesam\venv\Lib\site-packages\alive_progress\core\", line 165, in alive_repr
    run.last_len = print_cells(fragments, term.cols(), term, run.last_len)
  File "C:\Tools\DEV\libcesam\venv\Lib\site-packages\alive_progress\utils\", line 109, in print_cells
  File "C:\Program Files\Python312\Lib\encodings\", line 19, in encode
    return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 1-2: character maps to <undefined>
rsalmei commented 3 months ago

That's unfortunate, I know. But sadly, I don't know what to do to circumvent these weird windows incompatibilities... I'd say perhaps you could try WSL2. Since it is a linux environment it should work flawlessly. If everything else fails, I think you'd have to use both the classic bar and spinner, since they only use ASCII characters.

ThomasByr commented 3 months ago

hi ! i do not have a working windows python env to test this but i faced a similar issue while web scraping a while back and adding a bunch of encoding="utf-8" helped me a lot

you could try to git clone ... && cd ... && pip install -e . then modify each open(..., mode=...) in this file alive_progress/tools/ with

with open(..., mode=..., encoding="utf-8") as ...:

if this does not fix anything then i would definitely recommand quitting python on windows /s

i also should mention any king of standalone binary made with the alive-progress dependency (pyinstall-ing your code base for example) would need additionnal care since some configuration file are not automatically imported or packed

JIT compiling could in some way produce a similar issue, i'm not an expert though these are suppositions

rsalmei commented 2 months ago

Thanks @ThomasByr, but I think the unicode "breaks" tool has nothing to do with it since it is not used on the alive_bar impl at all.