rsanchez-wsu / fa15-ceg3120

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un-version .ipr and .iws files from git. For master and all other branches. #30

Closed laanak08 closed 9 years ago

laanak08 commented 9 years ago

They are IntelliJ IDE specific files, and not relevant to the project. They are environment specific files. @pquackenbush @LABurn @jakern @emilynovak @BrianTighe

AKA-Syenite commented 9 years ago

The eclipse files are similarly tracked.

rsanchez-wsu commented 9 years ago

@laanak08 @Shukaro

I am OK with IDE project files being version control. For one thing, it makes it easier to share CheckStyle settings, FindBugs settings, etc. However, I have made sure that all the Eclipse files in Git have only project-relative references in them. If the IntelliJ files only have project-relative references then in my mind they are no different than the Eclipse project files. However, if they are specific to a particular user's environment (e.g., references to files or resources in the user's home directory, or to the specific JDK location on the user's system), then they should not be in Git.

AKA-Syenite commented 9 years ago

That is indeed the case. (No user-specific data)

laanak08 commented 9 years ago

This is my proposition for how we should be handling the versioning of IntelliJ files. Additionally, note that .ipr/.iws are of the legacy system, and that .iws files are specifically mentioned to contain user-specific settings.