rsanchez / Deep

A set of Eloquent models for ExpressionEngine Channel Entries.
MIT License
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Hydrator/WysiwygHydrator.php parse() call issue #11

Closed benjaminkohl closed 10 years ago

benjaminkohl commented 10 years ago

Hi, Rob. I'm trying this out with a client project and I am using the following code to grab some TV show entries.

$entries = Entries::channel('shows')->year($year)->get();

This seems to generate a loop of the following error:

Message: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, cannot access protected method rsanchez\Deep\Hydrator\WysiwygHydrator::parse()

Filename: Hydrator/WysiwygHydrator.php

Line Number: 70
rsanchez commented 10 years ago

Weird. This one doesn't throw errors for me, and it calls the protected function just fine. May be it's a php version-specific bug. The solution is simple enough, which is to change that parse method to public.

rsanchez commented 10 years ago

OK, there's a new version up, changing that method to public. composer update rsanchez/deep

benjaminkohl commented 10 years ago

Thanks, that took care of it! For the record, I'm running PHP 5.3.27 in this environment. Thanks again for building this. I wish I could go back in time and use it all over the place.