rsanchez / Deep

A set of Eloquent models for ExpressionEngine Channel Entries.
MIT License
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Getting 30 second timeout with large-ish matrix fields #15

Closed tobz-nz closed 9 years ago

tobz-nz commented 10 years ago

I'm not exactly sure what data is causing the timeout. the Channel I'm looking up has a few matrix fields, one of which has about 8 columns.

The timeout occurs when eloquent is running the field/column name through studly_case().

rsanchez commented 10 years ago

I have seen performance issues, too if you have a lot of Matrix rows or a lot of Playa fields.

I've done some heavy refactoring in the 1.1 branch to improve performance of custom field hydration. If you want to install it, you'll have to install it in your composer.json like so: "rsanchez/deep": "1.1.*@dev". The big caveat is that Deep 1.1 requires PHP 5.4 / Eloquent 4.2 (up from 4.1).

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

Deep 1.1 has been release and contains the aforementioned performance improvements.