rsanchez / Deep

A set of Eloquent models for ExpressionEngine Channel Entries.
MIT License
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Is it possible to set a separate DB connection? #19

Closed tobz-nz closed 9 years ago

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

I thought this should work: Entries::setConnection('ee'); but no go. I could probably extend the Entries model and add a $connection parameter, but that seems a bit hacky.

Any ideas?

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

This is how the Eloquent docs say to handle this (in the Specifying The Query Connection section):

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I tried that, it doesn't seem to work.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

In the meantime, I've swapped my default connection around, so default is 'ee' and then in my none EE models I'm setting the $connection to 'mysql'.

This approach is working, not ideal though. It'd be nice to have a config item or something for the connection to use for all Deep queries.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

oh wait... on() is working now. hmm not sure what happened there. Never mind then.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

.. may have spoken too soon.

I think it works the the first level, but any subsequent queries - eg getting file field data - do not inherit the connection name.

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

You're right, on won't work. I'll have to come up with some way to set the connection global for all of Deep's models.

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

I just bumped to version 1.1.2, which contains the ability to set the connection globally via config. Added a note to the Readme at the bottom of this section:

So in your case you'd add this to your app/config/database.php:

'deep' => array(
    'connection' => 'ee',
tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

oh sweet. thanks mate. Will give it a go tomorrow.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

hmm, the new config doesn't seem to be working. getting sql errors:

Table 'fusion.channels' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `channels`)

My main problem is that all my EE tables are prefixed with exp_ as per default. but my none EE tables are not. (this is a kind of bastard hybrid app that is slowly migrating away from EE)

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

Take a look here:

That's where the global connection for Deep gets set. Maybe check if the config item database.deep.connection is actually getting picked up there? That config should go in your database.php.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

aha, found me problem - hadn't added teh service provider to app.php. #derp All working now. Thanks for adding that feature in so quickly, really appreciated :)

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

... one thing - I'm having to force the version to 1.1.2 in composer.json to get it. ~1.1 (or 1.1.*) doesn't pull in 1.1.2 which it should.

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

In an empty dir i tested composer require "rsanchez/deep" "~1.1" and it installed v 1.1.2. So I'll chalk that up to composer caching weirdness or a momentary packagist snafu.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

sweet as. .. just remembered I'm using a Toran Proxy instance on this project so it's probably to do with that.