rsanchez / Deep

A set of Eloquent models for ExpressionEngine Channel Entries.
MIT License
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Not confirmed, but I think the files fix broke other stuff #22

Closed tobz-nz closed 9 years ago

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

Hi Rob,

Entries::entryId(117)->firstOrFail() does not seem to be hydrating fields now. Same issue the files were having previously.

rsanchez commented 9 years ago

Can you try the latest, 1.1.4? I don't think this was related to the other bug, I think this case had to do with a entry that had no "special" hydrators (e.g. a channel that uses only simple fieldtypes like text, textarea, and select) wouldn't get hydrated at all.

tobz-nz commented 9 years ago

Sweet, all working again.