rsasaki0109 / kalman_filter_localization

kalmal filter localization
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Some semantic check and exception catching for more robustness #8

Closed Cryst4L9527 closed 1 year ago

Cryst4L9527 commented 1 year ago

Basic Info

Info Please fill out this column
Primary OS tested on Ubuntu20.04
Robotic platform tested on gazebo simulation of turtlebot3

Description of the bugs

Hi, I'm researching on testing ROS program and improve the robustness of programs facing possible malformed inputs. There are several improvements can be made for a more robust running.

There are two possible bugs with malformed user input:

First, there is no check for the pub_period, if a negative or zero value is set to the period, there will be a crash throwing the error 'std::invalid_argument' when set the publisher:

  std::chrono::milliseconds period(pub_period_);
  timer_ = create_wall_timer(
    std::bind(&EkfLocalizationComponent::broadcastPose, this));

crash info:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
  what():  timer period cannot be negative

Second, there is a possibility that the timestamp of the pose message can be negative because of malfunction or intentional design. And there will be an exception 'std::runtime_error' when set the value to a TimePoint:

auto imu_callback =
    [this](const typename sensor_msgs::msg::Imu::SharedPtr msg) -> void
     tf2::TimePoint time_point = tf2::TimePoint(
     std::chrono::seconds(msg->header.stamp.sec) +

crash info:

[INFO] [1668342157.570762430] [loc2d_ros]: New laser configured (id=0 frame_id=base_scan)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  cannot store a negative time point in rclcpp::Time

Therefore, I add a senmantic check for pub_period as the same as the other params, and catch the exception in the imu_callback. Hope you can accept the PRs.

rsasaki0109 commented 1 year ago
