Hi, @rsasaki0109 . I encountered a problem where when I use rslidar for localization, the trajectory is not displayed in RVIZ, and even when I print the topic "/path", there is no output. This point cloud map was built using lidarslam_ros2.
Befor run pcl_localization_ros2 node, I change the yaml file
Hi, @rsasaki0109 . I encountered a problem where when I use rslidar for localization, the trajectory is not displayed in RVIZ, and even when I print the topic "/path", there is no output. This point cloud map was built using lidarslam_ros2.
Befor run pcl_localization_ros2 node, I change the yaml file
Also, I hace change the point cloud input topic and lidar_tf for the launch file
Here is the commands for launch pcl_localization_ros2 node
Then, play the bags
the terminator output information:
The Rviz can successfully display the map, but cannot display real-time input point clouds and path.
I wonder why the algorithm does not output a positioning trajectory, and does it not support the use of other lidar?