rsatrio / Keycloak-Federation-ExistingDB

Keycloak Custom Module for User Federation with Existing DB
MIT License
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package duplicated in keycloak libraries #1

Closed CiscoFR closed 6 months ago

CiscoFR commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying to use your code for an user federation in keycloak 19.0.3.

I'm having problems with de jar dependencies. The needed libraries are: core, server-spi, model-legacy and common (in your pom only are detailed the first 2, maybe an older version of keycloak?). But the same package is refered in differents jar, a JPMS problem. I checked other versions: 20, 18, but the problem persist.

How can I solve this?

Thanks, Cisco

rsatrio commented 1 year ago

Hi @CiscoFR , can you be more detailed about your problem? I'm creating this plugin for Keycloak 11, and I think it will still worked up to Keycloak 14

10101010101010001 commented 1 year ago

@rsatrio Could you update this to work in newer versions of Keycloak? Thank you.

CiscoFR commented 1 year ago

Hi @CiscoFR , can you be more detailed about your problem? I'm creating this plugin for Keycloak 11, and I think it will still worked up to Keycloak 14


sorry I didn't recived notification of your response.

The problem is that I cannot compile with the conflict of classes duplicated in different jars. Attached one capture of error with the 3 jars needed to compile the .java


Thanks, Cisco

10101010101010001 commented 1 year ago

@CiscoFR Checkout user-storage-jpa from keycloak-quickstart and user-provider by dasniko. I was able to successfully get a working UserStorageProvider that used a hibernate persistence jpa/jta entity objects.