rsbmatt / OSBuddy
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Show Individual Unit Price on Bank Overlay #431

Open Jalopyy opened 6 years ago

Jalopyy commented 6 years ago

Title. Annoying to have to take one out of the bank and examine it/look it up when it could just be a 3rd line in the dialog popup.

rsbmatt commented 6 years ago

Agreed. Will be added shortly.

Do you think it should be a new line, or should we expand the tooltip horizontally to show it next to the total... 🤔

Jalopyy commented 6 years ago

horizontal, maybe? Like

Stack Price (Unit Price) Alch Price

Though pushing stack/alch down and adding unit first would be good as well, whatever looks better.

Also if I can nitpick one more thing real fast, disable the cursor tooltip when hovering over a puzzle box on a clue scroll. Tooltip sometimes covers up the arrow directions and is annoying.

rsbmatt commented 6 years ago

Okay, I'll give it a try and see how it looks.