rscarson / rustyscript

Effortless JS integration for rust
MIT License
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async API #142

Open Naxdy opened 1 week ago

Naxdy commented 1 week ago

I've noticed that under the hood, rustyscript is using tokio runtimes in order to execute the js code. Seeing as under the hood, a lot of async stuff is happening already, it would be pretty awesome if there was an async api exposed that we could use, for example:

let result = runtime.call_entrypoint_async::<Value>(&module_handle, json_args!()).await?;

Thanks for considering :)

rscarson commented 1 week ago

I'm actually working on that! 0.5 should hopefully come out today, and async should be available in the next release after that

rscarson commented 5 days ago

0.5.0 is now feature complete Publication is pending an issue with GitHub ci disk space