rschram / similarities

A marginally-functional Dokuwiki plugin for identifying similar pages based on the cosine of TFIDF vectors
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Does not work under Hogfather #1

Open sokolgeo opened 2 years ago

sokolgeo commented 2 years ago

When installed to Hogfather version of Dokuwiki, the plugin adds the following text to the top of every DokuWiki page. Anything to do to make the plugin work, please :

register_hook('INDEXER_PAGE_ADD', 'AFTER', $this, 'handle_compute_tfidfs'); $controller->register_hook('INDEXER_TASKS_RUN', 'AFTER', $this, 'handle_compute_page_similarities'); $controller->register_hook('INDEXER_TEXT_PREPARE', 'AFTER', $this, 'handle_text_prepare'); } public $Indexer; public $wordlistdir; public $TD; public $pageNames; public function __construct() { global $conf; global $_SERVER; if (!defined($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $root = '/Users/ryanschram/Desktop/dokuwiki/greebo'; } $this->wordlistdir = $root . "/inc/lang/" . $conf['lang']; $this->TD = $this->numRecs($conf['indexdir'] . '/page.idx'); $this->pageNames = file($conf['indexdir'] . '/page.idx'); if (is_callable('dokuwiki\Search\Indexer::getInstance')) { $this->Indexer = Indexer::getInstance(); } elseif (class_exists('Doku_Indexer')) { $this->Indexer = idx_get_indexer(); } else { // Failed to clear index. Your DokuWiki is older than // release 2011-05-25 "Rincewind" exit; } } public function handle_compute_tfidfs(Doku_Event $event, $param) /* Collects the i.idx files and calls a function to compute the TFIDF value of each indexed term in each document in which it appears */ { global $conf; $idx_files = glob($conf['indexdir'] . "/i*.idx"); $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); $tfidf = $this->getTFIDFs($idx_files); file_put_contents($conf['indexdir'] . '/tfidf.idx', serialize($tfidf)); } public function handle_compute_page_similarities(Doku_Event $event, $param) { /* Accesses the TFIDF matrix to compare the current page to all other pages, and then for each, identify the intersection of their terms. A list of all pages and their "cosine similarity" to the current page, and the intersecting terms and the TFIDF weight of each on the compared page are saved in the current page's metadata. */ global $conf; global $ID; $page1id = $ID; $tfidf = unserialize(file_get_contents($conf['indexdir'] . '/tfidf.idx')); $pageSimilarities['similarities']['similarpages'] = $this->getSimilarPages($page1id,$tfidf[$page1id],$tfidf); foreach ($pageSimilarities['similarities']['similarpages'] as $page2id => $costheta) { $keywords = $this->getSharedKeywords($page1id,$page2id,$tfidf); $pageSimilarities['similarities']['similarpages'][$page2id]['keywords'] = $keywords; } p_set_metadata($page1id,$pageSimilarities); } public function handle_text_prepare(Doku_Event $event, $param) { /* Strips angle-bracket tags several patterns from a page's text before it is tokenized for indexing to avoid finding high TFIDFs for single letters (s and t in contractions) or unnecessary metatext. */ $patterns = array( '/[~\{]{2}[^\s]+[~\}]{2}/', // wiki directives '/http[^\s]+/', // URLs '/[^\s\@]+\@[^\s\@]+/', // email addresses '/<[^>]+>/', // Angle-bracket tags "/'/", // apostrophes '/\-/' // hyphens ); $event->data = preg_replace($patterns,'',$event->data); } public function getTFIDFs($files) { /* For eachi.idx, capture the line number (from 0), explode each line by:intoPID` pairs, and explode. The line is $termid, PID is $page, the number of pairs is the raw doc frequency ($df) (and log($TD/$df) is the $idf for a term). $rtf is the raw frequency. / $rtfidf = array(); $tfidf = array(); $pagetf = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $TD = $this->TD; global $conf; preg_match('|/i([0-9]+).idx|',$file,$matches); $n = $matches[1]; $wordfile = $conf['indexdir'] . "/w$n.idx"; $ln = 0; $idx = file($file); $terms = file($wordfile); foreach($idx as $i => $line){ $pairs = explode(':',$line); $df = count($pairs); $idf = log($TD/$df); $term = chop($terms[$i]); $gram = count(explode(' ',$term)); foreach ($pairs as $pair) { list($pid,$rtf) = explode('',chop($pair)); $page = $this->Indexer->getPageFromPID($pid); $rtfidf[$page][$gram][$term] = $rtf $idf; // To be divided by total words in $page. } $ln++; } } foreach(array_keys($rtfidf) as $page) { $pagetf[$page] = count(array_keys($rtfidf[$page])); } foreach($pagetf as $page => $tw) { foreach($rtfidf[$page] as $gram => $terms) { foreach($terms as $term => $val) { $tfidf[$page][$gram][$term] = $val / $tw; } } } return $tfidf; } public function getSimilarPages($page1id,$page1,$tfidf) { / Calls the function cosineSimilarity for each pair of pages as vectors of TFIDF values and stores the cosine of theta, the angle between the two vectors, a measure of similarity between 1 (identical) and 0 (no shared terms). / $results = array(); $source = $page1[1]; foreach ($tfidf as $page2id => $page2) { $target = $page2[1]; if ($page1id !== $page2id && sizeof($source) > 0 && sizeof($target) > 0) { $costheta = $this->cosineSimilarity($source,$target); $results[$page2id]['costheta'] = $costheta; } } return $results; } public function getSharedKeywords($page1id,$page2id,$tfidf) { $source = $tfidf[$page1id][1]; $target = $tfidf[$page2id][1]; $results = $this->findKeywords($source,$target); return $results; } public function cosineSimilarity(&$tokensA, &$tokensB) { / This algorithm for calculating the cosine similarity of two TFIDF vectors was written by Ahmet Yildirim (Github: RnDeveloper) and is available at . It constructs a sparse matrix of terms in order to perform matrix multiplication. / $a = $b = $c = 0; $uniqueTokensA = $uniqueTokensB = array(); $uniqueMergedTokens = array_merge($tokensA, $tokensB); foreach ($tokensA as $token=>$val) $uniqueTokensA[$token] = $val; foreach ($tokensB as $token=>$val) $uniqueTokensB[$token] = $val; $x2=0; $y2=0; $xArray=array(); $yArray=array(); $address=0; foreach ($uniqueMergedTokens as $token=>$v) { $xArray[$address] = isset($tokensA[$token]) ? $tokensA[$token]: 0; $yArray[$address] = isset($tokensB[$token]) ? $tokensB[$token]: 0; $x2+=$xArray[$address]$xArray[$address]; $y2+=$yArray[$address]$yArray[$address]; $address++; } $x2=sqrt($x2); $y2=sqrt($y2); for($k=0;$k<$address;$k++) { $xArray[$k]/=$x2; $yArray[$k]/=$y2; $a+=$xArray[$k]$yArray[$k]; $b+=$xArray[$k]$xArray[$k]; $c+=$yArray[$k]$yArray[$k]; } return $b $c != 0 ? $a / sqrt($b $c) : 0; } public function findKeywords(&$source,&$target) { / Taking off from Yildirim's cosineSimilarity(), this function identifies the intersection of terms in a pair of TFIDF vectors and returns a list of terms and their TFIDF on the target page. / if ($source && $target) { $keywords= array(); $uniqueSharedTokens = array_intersect(array_keys($source),array_keys($target)); foreach ($uniqueSharedTokens as $token) { $keywords[$token] = $target[$token]; } return $keywords; } } public function numRecs($file) { / Get the total number of documents in the corpus, each listed on a separate line in page.idx. (The line number starting from zero is the ID of each page in other index files. Hence [0..$td-1] is the range of page IDs.) */ $TD = count(file($file)); return $TD; } } ?> `

rschram commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your interest in this project, and the information about the problems with Hogfather. As noted in the README this plugin is not maintained. I don't know enough about PHP and DW to solve the issues, and can't devote any more time to this. You are welcome to fork the code and work on it yourself, though. I'm sure it can be improved in many ways. --Ryan