rschroll / rmfuse

FUSE access to the reMarkable Cloud
MIT License
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Implement a mount.fuse3-compatible interface #35

Open nils-werner opened 2 years ago

nils-werner commented 2 years ago

FUSE comes with a mount command mount.fuse3 that allows mounting FUSE systems that would otherwise be mounted like

rmfuse /mnt

to be mounted like

mount.fuse3 rmfuse /mnt

The only requirement is my_fuse to accept a certain command line interface, most notably the default option -o dev,suid.

The advantage of this interface is that you can then add your FUSE mountpoints to /etc/fstab

rmfuse    /mnt    fuse3    none    0    0

It would be great if rmfuse could implement such an interface to accept (and probably ignore) the -o option.