rscloura / Doldrums

A Flutter/Dart reverse engineering tool
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How do I find the code offset or location in which the string was used ? #6

Closed Tasfa closed 3 years ago

Tasfa commented 3 years ago

How do I find the code offset or location in which the string was used ?

such as: {'cid': <ClassId.ONE_BYTE_STRING: 81>, 'refId': 124077, 'data': 'SIGN '}

How do I find the code snippet that generated the SIGN?

rscloura commented 3 years ago

Hi! The code responsible for finding the string SIGN is in the file. In Dart v2.12 (here), it is line 30:

snapshot.assignRef({ 'cid': self.cid, 'refId': x,'data': self.getObjectAt(snapshot) })

The getObjectAt method is then defined in the same file at line 942: it obtains the actual string at the specified offset in the .rodata section of the ELF file. Hope it helped!

Tasfa commented 3 years ago

Thanks. But i want to know where i can find the code offset or location in which the string was used when you reverse a flutter app.

I can get the string at the specified offset in the .rodata section of the ELF file,but i can not find where the string was used in the .text section of the ELF file.

rscloura commented 3 years ago

That is an excellent question! Unfortunately, the answer is quite difficult, and that is why Doldrums does not currently have that feature. I hope to be able to introduce it to some degree in the next month or so, but it will likely make use of a Frida script that needs to be run on an emulator or rooted device with the app running. I cannot currently give you a complete answer, because... I myself do not know how to do it consistently.

Nevertheless, here's the idea, in case you want to explore it yourself:

  1. Run the app with Frida, and read the contents of the x27 register (in ARM64-v8). This will be a pointer to a table of memory addresses. Let's call it the resource table.
  2. Go through the table, and see what each pointer in there points to. A lot of them will point to strings (keep in mind these are Dart strings, so they're the 'normal' strings prepended with 16 bytes of meta information).
  3. Create a table that maps each entry in the resource table to a string.
  4. Look for instructions that make use of x27 + x, where x is some offset.
  5. Use the table you created to build the backreferences you're looking for.

This is by no means a trivial task, but it should get the job done if you're up for the challenge!

Tasfa commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your answer and the idea!