rscustom / rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit

Custom song toolkit for Rocksmith and Rocksmith 2014
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Add option to stop loaded package overwriting AppId #298

Closed tobybrad closed 6 years ago

tobybrad commented 6 years ago

I use a different appId for CDLC (I know, I know).

Whenever I load a new package the appId I set is reset to the one in the package file. This can make importing a bunch of files a pretty tedious business.

Would be great to have a 'Lock Id' check next to appId box to prevent this happening. When checked the appId remains as I set it. When unchecked, existing behaviour.

Great work on the GUI though. Very useful tool.

cozy1 commented 6 years ago

Request seems reasonable and since you did the work. Sure, added it here:

cozy1 commented 6 years ago

Going to move this to the General Config page so that LockAppId is saved in the settings though.

cozy1 commented 6 years ago
