[NL] Follow up with the candidate for a Casual Vacancy and arrange to have them submit an entry in the nominations page.
[MS] Follow up with ARDC (suggest Richard Ferrers) regarding the collection of sensitive data on the International RSE Survey from the Australian regulatory perspective.
[NM] Share links to outcomes from the RSE Intl. Council meetings.
[NM] Create a calendar for conference/workshop submission deadlines.
[ALL] Re. Website Posts: see section 3. Website.
[ALL] Review requirements for One-day Workshop and provide feedback.
3. Website
Folder and template for draft website posts: Website Posts
[MS, NL] Create post: end of year message from the co-chairs.
[NM] Draft posts for events:
NL featured on RSE Stories: Equal Footing.
NeSI story about NZ RSE Conference.
[All] Create posts for the website about outputs/results from the following:
[HP] Oversee post: Workshop and BoF at eResAus 2019
[NL] Oversee post: eResNZ 2020.
[HP] Share lists of attendees for eResAus 2019 events. (reassigned)
[All] Contribute to the posts.
Create posts about the outcomes of RSE sessions at eResAu 2020.
[NL] Oral Presentation - Research software engineers : Creating a community and an identity within complex research ecosystems
[RL] BoF session - Training
[JB] BoF session - RSE Impact Stories
[NM] BoF session - Best Practice for FAIR and Sustainable Research Software
4. Any Other Business
Proposed next meeting: 2pm (AEDT) on Tues. 23rd March, 2021.
Meeting Details:
Chair: Manodeep Sinha
Date: Tues. 23rd March 2021
Meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting
Proposed Agenda:
1. Approval of Minutes from Meeting No. 13
2. Actions From Previous Minutes:
3. Website
Folder and template for draft website posts: Website Posts
4. Any Other Business