rse-aunz / organisation

Organisation of the Research Software Engineering - Australia & New Zealand
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Steering Committee Meeting #25 (Mar 2022) #45

Closed Winterstorm-j closed 1 year ago

Winterstorm-j commented 2 years ago

Meeting Details: Chair: TBA Date: Tues. 22nd March 2022

Time: event

Auckland, New Zealand: 1:00 pm (NZDT) Brisbane, Australia: 10:00 am (AEST) Melbourne, Australia: 11:00 am {AEDT) Perth, Australia: 8:00 am (AWST) Meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Approval of Minutes:

  2. Planning Activities Direction/Strategy of committee Policy on sharing member contact details

  3. Actions From Previous Minutes: Potential RSE Australia conference/eResearch collab Outreachy Metrics for RSE contributions Impact stories

  4. Any Other Business Proposed next meeting: 26/04/2022