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eScience 2018 WSSPE 6.1 Workshop #48

Closed atruskie closed 5 years ago

atruskie commented 5 years ago

Just to let everyone know I'm at a Working towards Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE) workshop for the next 8 hours.

There are a lot of RSEs here from all over the world. I'll be taking notes but if anyone wants anything specific asked of this international community, please post a message.

(Sorry for the late notice)

atruskie commented 5 years ago

Here are my notes from WSSPE 6.1 and eScience 2018

Daniel S Katz:

Maria J. Crus: Data stewardship

There was an interesting workshop idea: speed blogging. Problem: when collaborating as a group and writing notes on paper those notes run the risk of being lost or losing context/discussion. Instead: the collaborative phase is scribed by multiple people and then afterwards everyone chooses a topic to turn into a paragraph in a shared google docs document. Later on, an editor will help these groups create and publish their draft - with a DOI attached.

Stephen Druskat: Mapping the research software sustainability space

- RSS: a lot of players already
- All actors conduct research and publish within space
    ○ Informs policy, education, hiring practices
- Efforts are uncoordinated (not necessarily bad)
    ○ But also has risks, e.g. Duplication, neglect of areas
- Solution: map all RSS activities and classify them
- Version: 1

- Version 2 & 3:
    ○ People split into specific groups (e.g. RSE, R, E)
    ○ Distinction between research software, supporting software
    ○ Sometimes Researchers and RSEs can be the same person

J Cohen: Building a sustainable structure for research software engineering activities

- RSE as a term is recent
- Software still seen as a secondary output
    ○ Yet becoming increasingly important
- RSEs can be academics, researchers, developers, or "RSEs" 
- Unique and valuable skill sets - time consuming to maintain
- RSEngineering is not just about RSEs
- For holistic support of RSE:
- Four pillars that support RSEngineering: (call to community)
    ○ Software Engineering
    ○ Community - networking, sharing ideas, knowledge exchange
    ○ Training - base RSE skills & developing the next gen of RSEs
    ○ Policy
- WIP - seeking discussion
    ○ Want to encapsulate RSE (processes, topics, activities) 
    ○ Gain stronger understanding of diff roles in RSE ecosystem
- Remaining questions:
    ○ Anything fundamental missing from pillars? Is naming appropriate?
    ○ How will different roles identify differently with pillars?
    ○ Get strong specification and write paper


A slide from my talk:


They did a live survey of the room using on the last day. They asked who were RSEs:


I thought it was interesting to see at least 20 RSEs, especially so considering the crowd at the conference had shrunk quite a bit by the last day.