rse / pure-uuid

Pure JavaScript Based Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID)
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non-unique v5 IDs are generated #7

Closed sean9999 closed 7 years ago

sean9999 commented 7 years ago

using the following invocation, non-unique IDs are generated:

let a = new UUID(5, "ns:URL", "").format();
let b = new UUID(5, "ns:URL", "").format();
let c = new UUID(5, "ns:URL", "").format();


Expected behaviour: The values should be unique

rse commented 7 years ago

Errr... no, the values of UUID v5 identifiers are only unique for different values. If you pass in always just "" you will always get return the same UUID. This is fully correct. Please check the UUID standard and understand the differences between the different UUID versions. UUID v1 is node-based, v3/v5 are hash-based and v4 is random-number based.