rserota / wad

Web Audio DAW. Use the Web Audio API for dynamic sound synthesis. It's like jQuery for your ears.
MIT License
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Low quality mic recording / MediaStreamConstraints #146

Closed Kris-rmw closed 1 year ago

Kris-rmw commented 1 year ago

In both Chrome and firefox I get a low / barely audible mic recording.

Using the same setup/mic and getUserMedia() API, there are no quality issues - example code:

My test code:

  let voice = new Wad({source: 'mic'})
  let polywad = new Wad.Poly({
    recorder: {
      options: { mimeType : 'audio/webm' },
      onstop: function(event) {
        let blob = new Blob(this.recorder.chunks, { 'type' : 'audio/webm;codecs=opus' });;
  // make some noise

    polywad.recorder.stop() // a new window should open, where you can download the file you just created
  }, 4000);

I have a hunch this might be causing the issue:

But I don't know how to apply the suggested solution (MediaStreamConstraints) to WAD.

Kris-rmw commented 1 year ago

Update: I rebooted my laptop and it fixed the issue. Keep up the great work 👊

rserota commented 1 year ago

I'm glad you were able to find a solution. I hope you're enjoying WadJS.