rserota / wad

Web Audio DAW. Use the Web Audio API for dynamic sound synthesis. It's like jQuery for your ears.
MIT License
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Changing the Rate of a Sound #83

Closed frastlin closed 6 years ago

frastlin commented 6 years ago

Is there any way of changing the speed and or pitch of a recorded sound? Something along the lines of: sound.rate(1.5) or sound.speed(1.5) or sound.pitch(1.5)

I know you can change the speed and pitch of oscillators, but I would like to change the pitch of a recorded sound. Howler does this with sound.rate(1.5).

rserota commented 6 years ago

Wads do have a setSpeed method, but they didn't have speed available as an argument on the constructor, or on play. I just added speed as an argument, so now you should be able to play audio clips at different speeds.

var audioClip = new Wad({source:'/audio-clip.mp3'}){speed: 0.5}){speed: 2.0})

frastlin commented 6 years ago

Thank you, it works perfectly! I would personally hesitate at calling it "speed" because it is both speed and pitch, and instead call it rate, but it's not a big deal.