rserota / wad

Web Audio DAW. Use the Web Audio API for dynamic sound synthesis. It's like jQuery for your ears.
MIT License
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Changing tuna Settings During Playback #95

Closed richtier closed 5 years ago

richtier commented 5 years ago

I see it's possible to set wad settings during playback

Can tuna settings also be set in this way?

rserota commented 5 years ago

There isn't a very elegant way to do this at the moment. I can work on adding this feature at some point in the future. Which tuna effects were you using specifically?

richtier commented 5 years ago

All of them :)

I'm making a demo of alexa-browser-client - using wad and tuna to mess with the alexa audio response. I can now make Alexa sound like she's behind a door, an old-timey radio, or a train station announcer. so happy :laughing:


tuna supports updating after play has started:

rserota commented 5 years ago

That looks like a pretty cool project!

I know that Tuna makes this possible, but it just isn't part of the Wad.js API yet. As a workaround, you can directly modify a Wad's tuna nodes while it's playing.
wadSound.nodes[2].rate = 8 // the actual index of the tuna effect node will depend on how many other effects are used in this wad. 
richtier commented 5 years ago

this works great, thanks.