rsheets / cellranger

Helper functions to work with spreadsheets and the "A1:D10" style of cell range specification
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Move smarts re: making ranges for partially open rectangles from googlesheets4 to here #35

Open jennybc opened 4 years ago

StatisMike commented 1 year ago

I guess this is adressing the unbounded cell_limits() |> as.range() behaviour? I am volunteering to work on this as it would be also useful for my package, and I wouldn't want to create alternative functions just for its use.

Should this the expected behaviour instead of returning NA_character_ (at least in the case of googlesheets - I feel like differing behaviour depending on the software can be discussed as a part of linked issue above.

> unbounded
<cell_limits (-, 4) x (-, 4)>
> unbounded |> as.range()
[1] "C4:C4"
> unbounded |> as.range(fo = "A1")
[1] "D:D"
> unbounded_one_side
<cell_limits (4, 5) x (-, 5)>
> unbounded_one_side |> as.range()
[1] "R4C5:C5"
> unbounded_one_side |> as.range(fo = "A1")
[1] "E4:E"