Closed ThajASara closed 2 years ago
I don't know a simple solution but here is one way you could do it:
You can modify key.scad file like that
module keytext(text, position, font_size, depth) {
woffset = (top_total_key_width()/3.5) * position[0];
hoffset = (top_total_key_height()/3.5) * -position[1];
translate([woffset, hoffset, -depth]){
color($tertiary_color) linear_extrude(height=$dish_depth){
rotate([0,0,-90]) text(text=text, font=$font, size=font_size, halign="left", valign="center", direction="ttb");
And then you can use rotated keys with a vertical label
translate_u(0,0) sa_row(3) {
2u() rotate([0,0,90]) legend("EVAL",[0,0],4) key();
Result example:
@limitium 's answer is good, though it's worth mentioning the default keystem in this library is directional; it can only fit on a keyswitch right side up or upside down, not rotated 90 or 270 degrees. if your keyswitch is rotated underneath the 2u use limitium's code, if it is the same orientation as everything else, use this code:
text(text=text, font=$font, size=font_size, halign="center", valign="center", direction="ttb");
then make a keycap like so:
sa_row(5) 2uh() legend("eval", size=5) key();
It would be good to expose the text direction in the library somehow. closing in favor of
I could not find a way to rotate the direction of legends on a keycap. For example: to model a vertical keycap for an ErgoDox style keyboard
Is this possible? Did I miss something simple (highly likely)?