rshendershot / MythRokuPlayer

mythtv front end for Roku player
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Apache fails with: client denied by server configuration for jobqueue_service.php and schedule is not populated #35

Open cptdondo opened 10 years ago

cptdondo commented 10 years ago

Schedule is not populated and apache logs show an error like this:

[Sun Jan 19 10:49:40 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct( /mythroku///jobqueue_service.php?chanid=1282&starttime=2014-01-19+15%3A04%3A00): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n in /home/www/seiner/media/mythweb/mythroku/mythtv_upcoming_xml.php on line 44


SimpleXMLElement browser request does not send a User-Agent string by default. I think it can be set up to do so; see


The default Apache configuration in Ubuntu and probably other distros is set up to deny browsers with no User-Agent string.

for the mythroku webhost, disable User-Agent checking. Find the section in the appropriate apache conf file and change this:

    <Location />
           SetEnvIf User-Agent ^$ spammer=yes     # block blank user agents
            Order allow,deny
    allow from all           
           deny from env=spammer


    <Location />
            Order allow,deny
    allow from all           
rshendershot commented 10 years ago

I'll get this into the README asap but defining a client request with no user agent seems the opposite of what spammers would do.

Notes ...check your firewall if it filters user-agent. Do not apply this filter to the mythserver workgroup client requests.

or something like that. Comments?