rshkarin / mason-nvim-lint

Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use nvim-lint with mason.nvim
Apache License 2.0
34 stars 9 forks source link

Needs clearer installation instructions #11

Open uptudev opened 1 week ago

uptudev commented 1 week ago

Lazy.nvim is the standard, and installing this plugin as written does nothing but throw a warning on startup that none of the linters configured are in mason's registry.

Odds are this is due to a loading order error, so perhaps clear instructions should be given in the README on how to resolve it, as setting them to not lazy load with lazy = false and setting up dependencies does nothing.

uptudev commented 1 week ago

Error message: image

Mason: image

Lazy.nvim mason declaration (line 93):

      lazy = false,
      config = function()
          ui = {
            icons = {
              package_installed = "",
              package_pending = "",
              package_uninstalled = "",

Lazy.nvim nvim-lint declaration (line 140):

    dependencies = 'williamboman/mason.nvim',
    lazy = false,
    config = function()
      require('lint').linters_by_ft = {
        rust = {"bacon"},
        lua = {'luacheck'},
        javascript = {'eslint'},
        typescript = {'eslint'},
        typescriptreact = {'eslint'},
        html = {'htmlhint'},
        css = {'stylelint'},
        scss = {'stylelint'},
        sass = {'stylelint'},
        less = {'stylelint'},
        json = {'jsonlint'},
        yaml = {'yamllint'},
        markdown = {'vale'},
        sh = {'shellcheck'},

Lazy.nvim mason-nvim-lint declaration (line 225):

    lazy = false,
    dependencies = {
    config = function()