rshkarin / mason-nvim-lint

Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use nvim-lint with mason.nvim
Apache License 2.0
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Linters not in mapping cannot be resolved #14

Open laurentgoudet opened 1 month ago

laurentgoudet commented 1 month ago

I am using psalm as a linter (as the language server is cooked for my project) but it seems that mason-nvim-lint cannot auto-install it, i.e. getting Linter [psalm] cannot be resolved into a Mason package. Make sure to only provide valid linter names.

Adding the linter to mapping.lua solves the issue, but as the linters list at is far longer than the one in, I wonder how that plugin is meant to work: do all the packages need to be mapped (even if the tool name & nvim-lint names are the same)? If that's the case, should there be a default mapping (when the names are consistent)?

laurentgoudet commented 1 month ago

Created a PR to add psalm but let me know if that not the best solution/if a fallback should be more suitable.