rsignell-usgs / ooici-erddap
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Most datasets are missing depth/altitude! #12

Open rsignell-usgs opened 6 years ago

rsignell-usgs commented 6 years ago

I was talking with @johnwilkin about how he might create his assimilation file for ROMS programatically using ERDDAP advanced search and allDatasets queries.

Basically what we want to generate is a CSV file where the column headers are:

time, longitude,  latitude, depth,  variable_id,  value

where variable_id includes salinity and temperature.

When we tried this, however, we found out that most datasets have no depth or altitude information!

Look at the maxAltitude for data in the last week:

The only datasets that have altitude are ones that have a variable called altitude that is actually the gps altitude rather than the nominal altitude that would be useful to users: 2017-12-07_6-38-00

I would argue that:

rsignell-usgs commented 6 years ago

@kerfoot reported back offline:

I think this is a UFrame NetCDF creation issue... I will follow up with the CI group Monday and let you know

rsignell-usgs commented 6 years ago

Further conversations with @kerfoot confirm this is an issue that needs to be handled on the uframe side with processors, as they need to derive depth variables for many of these datasets.